Geisweid’s green jewel
Since the end of 2020, the Dr.-Dudziak-Park in Wenscht has been restored to its former glory. The park was the result of an initiative by its namesake Dr. Erich Dudziak, Director of Labour Relations at the Stahlwerke Südwestfalen steelworks, who wanted to create living spaces close to nature for his steelworkers in the 1950s.
After years of being left to grow wild, the park has now regained its former beauty since August 2020 following extensive renovations and is regarded as one of the most important historical testimonies to Siegen’s early post-war history. Original features that have been brought back to life include the typical arch bridges with their historical railings, formerly built by apprentices at the steelworks, sculptures like “Der Exklusive”, and the beautiful Schwanenteich.
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