Since time immemorial, beer has been brewed in Siegerland. With home-grown hops and well-trained master brewers, the town’s many private and craft breweries would deliver beer to…
Behind and beneath the venerable walls of the Oberes Schloss in Siegen lies a weight of history. The Siegerland museum opened here in 1905. For many years, the Siegberg provided a…
What lies behind Siegen’s 700-year-old city walls? A lot of history that is likely to surprise not just visitors but also many residents of the town, which is nicknamed…
Of all the ingredients used in Siegerland cuisine, it is the ‘Duffel’ (potato) that takes centre stage. Potatoes are the main element in numerous traditional dishes, whether…
The River Alche rises in the Freudenberger Bergland and flows into the Sieg in the centre of Siegen just 11.5 km later. Along its banks, there is a great deal waiting to be…
The German Empire in the 1830s; the Prussian administration is sending more and more officials to Siegen. Arriving with their families, they call for a high school for girls – in…
Until now, the main campus of the University of Siegen has perched on a 500-metre hill in the district of Weidenau; some refer to it as ‘education hill’, others call it the ‘ivory…
Siegen is full of attractive spots, many of which are within the city centre area and easily reached on foot from the main station. The steepest pedestrianised zone in Germany…
Two hearts beat in the breast of Siegen: the historic heart of the Oberstadt on the Siegberg, and the more youthful shopping and commercial heart of the Unterstadt in the Siegtal…
… three words that sum up the charms of Siegen. In a city surrounded by countryside with a river running through it, flowering riverbanks in the heart of town exude a very special…
How did Siegen’s Herrengarten get its name? Given the almost total absence of any sign of a garden, many people have surely asked themselves that very question over the years. What…
The Upper Castle, or Oberes Schloss, stands atop the 307-metre Siegberg. How long it has stood there is uncertain; texts from the Middle Ages point to the presence of a castle…
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